Saturday 7 January 2017

First Aid Snakebite Video for Students. Ramathibodi Hospital. A Thailand Initiative.

There are quite a lot of videos on Snake Bite first aid for the general population. I will go through them on the time. Some are good, some are not that good, some are still giving wrong or misleading indications about what to do o not to do.

I would like to start this video that is an initiative of the Department of Emergency and Accidental Center, Ramathibodi Hospital (Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital), Mahidol University, Thailand.
Please watch it. It is aimed to create AWARENESS among students and can be applied to any situation. 
Bravo for the initiative!

The story:
A student is at the campus enjoying a sunny day, she is bitten by a cobra. We will see, on a funny way, what their classmates try to do for help, many times more harmful than anything!
Through that, we will learn the more correct way to first aid snake bites.
There english subtitles, white color and small size not easy to read. I'm transcribing the text that is significant for fist-aid. 
Who said that create awareness is a boring thing? sure they had a great time doing this video!!!

Those are the transcriptions of some of the scenes:

2:31 At the park, after applying a tourniquet...
- Classmate (C): Let's get her to the hospital
- Sport students (SS): Shouldn't we try to catch the snake?
- C: What for? we don't have time for that. 

3:09 At the Hospital
- Doctor (D): Who told you to apply a tourniquet? - That's a common misconception 
- C: What misconception?
- D: A tourniquet is the wrong first-aid procedure for a snake bite. It could be harmful and it is the wrong way to help.
- All: What? the wrong way to help?
- C: What I hear is that when a snake bites, you should apply a tourniquet to slow down the venom.
- D: That's a misconception. A tourniquet can obstruct the blood flow to the bitten site which can result in an amputation. 
- Patient (P): What? an amputation? You should have known better!!!
- D: Calm down, hold still. Especially around the bitten area. Try not to move. But you can breathe and move a little. 
- C: What is the right procedure? What should we do?
- D: Well, the right procedure is to (to the patient) keep still as much as you can, then find and elastic bandage to tie above the bound.
4:48 At the park.
C: Please get me some ice and bandage. 
P: It hurts!!!
P: What are you doing?
C: Covering the wound.
P: Covering to where?
C: To the level of your heart. 
P: My heart? Why?
C: To slow down the venom.

5:35 At the Hospital.
D: Who told you to mummify her like this? and who told you to apply the ice? Don't you know the everything you did was the wrong way to help?
All: What? the wrong way to help?
D: To cover the wound just tie the bandage above the wound or the whole leg, but make sure it is not too tight so the blood can still circulate. Squeeze the toe, if it is still red its fine. 
eh! don't try to catch the snake! just notice its appearance or the color or take a picture of it. 

6:28 At the park
They try several methods like apply a flame - electric shock, apply herbs on the wound or make several cuts around the wound and try to suck the venom... All they are wrong!
... / ...
P: What are you doing?
C: Take off your shoes, also need to remove all your jewelry. 
P: What are you doing?
C: Covering the wound. Then squeezing the tip of the toe to see if blood flow is correct. 

8:17 At the Hospital
D: What have you done to her?
C: So we when back, she was worse so we burned the wound but it didn't help, (D looks quite astonished) then we tried a different method and we used herb to cover the wound, it also didn't help, then we cut the wound open and then sucked the venom out, also didn't help!!!
D: Why didn't you just electroshock her?
C: I tried, but we didn't have the apparatus!
D: I was being sarcastic! do you realize that all you did was the wrong way to do it?
All: What? The wrong way?
D: That's right. Listen: burning the wound or electroshocking her doesn't help at all, if anything, it'll make it worse. Covering the wound with herb can also lead to an infection. Cutting the wound open risks slashing the main arteries. Huge complications, you know? Also, who is it that told you to suck the venom? You are watching too much movie! it doesn't help one bit, and the person who does it might receive the venom herself.
C: So, what is the best way to perform first-aid in this case?
D: Here is how to do it. For a snake bite you would see the fang marks, right?

  1. the first step is to calm down the patient
  2. then you should position the wound below the patient's heart level
  3. and if there is any jewelry or constricting items: remove them, because the venom may cause swelling at the site of the bite. 
  4. (patient) stay as still as you can 
  5. then cover the wound with some gauze or cloth. Use a elastic bandage to cover over the wound or the whole leg. Tie like you would do with a patient with a broken leg. The way you did is actually correct. If you can find a stick you can create a splint by using the other leg instead, just like this. But the thing is make sure it is not too tight so the blood can still circulate. 
  6. One more thing, if the patient is loosing conscience, don't pour whiskey in her mouth to wake her up, she might choke.
  7. Also notice the patient's vital signs, if she stops breathing perform CRP immediately
  8. Most important of all, you must to stay calm yourself. 
C: That's a lot! won't the patient be death before reaching the hospital?
D: I don't think so. If we treat her correctly the venom will not spread quickly. Most snakes that bite are just frightened. In some cases, the snakes didn't even release the venom.
P: Why didn't you learn all these before?
C: I don't know
D: I've got a simple solution for you, just dial 1669, it is a 24h. emergency hotline. They've got trained professionals and vehicles with qualified staff that are ready to mobilize and assist the patient at the scene...

Final everybody dancing!!!


DO calm the patient down
DO ensure that the wound is below the patient's heart level
DO remove all the jewelry, tight-fitting clothes
DO cover with bandage or make a loose splint
DO bring the patient to the hospital ASAP, perform CPR if necessary

DON'T apply a tourniquet
DON'T burn the wound
DON'T cover the wound with herb
DON'T cut the wound open and suck the venom out
DON'T electroshock the wound
DON'T pour whiskey into the mouth of the patient who's unconscious.

I would like to say: do not give any intoxicant or caffeine to a patient with snake bite as can be misleading if it has been a neurotoxic bite. Furthermore, caffeine can increase heart rate and speed the spreading of the venom.

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